The sheltie -
an introducion
Life with
our shelties
Our shelties
Garden idyll
Hommage to Marilyn
Hommage to Beauty
Monrei impressions
Stud dogs
Show successes
in memoriam

Created: 23.03.1998
Updated: 15.03.2007
Webmaster: R.Döhne

Heartbreaker in Blue von Monrei
- Romeo -

Romeo at age of 12 weeks

Heartbreaker in Blue von Monrei - Romeo -
Romeo as an adult gentleman

Romeo with his brother Harry Humphrey - Murphy - and Giovanni Mozart von Monrei, his friend

Romeo mit Scarlett
Romeo with his niece Scarlett, 5 month old

Romeo mit Scarlett

Romeo mit Scarlett
Romeo visiting Scarlett

Romeo mit seinen 2 Brüdern
Romeo with his 2 brothers

Romeo on the agility field

Romeo mit Jamie und Marilyn
Romeo: I really don't feel like for photo casting, I'm boring of that.
Romeo with Captain Jamie von Monrei and Dippersmoor Disruption - Marilyn -

Romeo mit Anneliese Grabner
Romeo with his owner Anneliese Grabner

Romeo, the little heart breaker

Romeo mit seinen Geschwistern
Romeo and Danny  with her sisters

Henry Amadeus  von Monrei
- Danny -


Danny with the sheeps

Danny with the geese


Shelties von Monrei 

Stud dogs

Freelancer in Black von Monrei - Freely -

Freelancer in Black von Monrei

CEA-, PRA-free, HD A,  complete teeth
(4th generation pure tricolour breeded)
Sire: Ch. Rondo of Silver Shadow
Dame: Diamond Beauty von Monrei



What I like:
  • my ladies
  • my friend Captain Jamie
  • to spur my sheltie pack on racing at daily walkies
  • thereby to get my friends Scarlett and Lady to forward rollings
  • good feed - above all cockerel, where I also like to walk backwards on the hind paws
  • action and agility
  • peace, joy and harmony

What I don't like:
  • disharmony
  • if strange men come to my Sheltie wives
  • sadness, boring
  • if the others get up to mischief
  • when the cockerel is going to sleep in the refrigerator

Heartbreaker in Blue von  Monrei  -  Romeo -

Heartbreaker in Blue von Monrei

CEA-, PRA-free, HD A, complete teeth, 2 brown eyes
Sire: Ch. Zambalo Blue vom Rindsberg
Dame: Diamond Beauty von Monrei

Owner: Anneliese Grabner


Romeo is a full brother of Ch. Henry Amadeus von Monrei


What I like:

  • truite bleu
  • soup with strips of pancake
  • to sleep in a real bed
  • to jump in my Mummy's neck at walking

What I don't like:

  • wet paws
  • rain
  • if someone is stealing my bones
  • if I mustn't come along with car driving
  • if someone is passing our garden fence with a bitch on heat and is not entering the garden door
  • if the feed dish is empty

Waiting for the Bride !

Warten auf die Braut

We proudly present one of the most successfull dogs of our breed:

Henry Amadeus von Monrei - Danny -

International Champion, German Champion Club and VDH-Champion,
Austrian Champion, German Youth Champion and
Central Europe Youth Winner 2000

                                                                         Photos of Danny taken by Weinzierl
* 03.05.1999

CEA-PRA-KAT-free , HD-A, complete teeth

Sire: Ch. Zambalo Blue vom Rindsberg
Dame: Diamond Beauty von Monrei

Owner: A. Weinzierl


Danny is a full brother of Romeo

Danny was very successful on shows at home and abroad. He even won two times Best of Breed and one time Best in Show !

We are happy, that his lovely and delightful daughter     Dreamhill Quickstep - Scarlett -  moved in our home. Obviously she has
successfully got his genes. So it was possible for Scarlett to win the CACIB under the special judge for Shelties starting from the interclass at the International Dog Show in Salzburg in spring 2006 at the age of 17 months.

Freelancer in Black
von Monrei - Freely


Freely als Welpe
Freely as a puppy

Freelancer in Black von Monrei
Freely at age of one year

Freely am Happinger See
Freely at age of two years

Freelancer in Black von Monrei
Freely at age of four years

Freely - November 2006

Freely with Happy Harriet and Glady Gloria (left)

Freely with Captain
Jamie - October 2006

Freely and Lady: "we have to rustle up something!"

Freely with Jamie and his brother
Francesco Fellini


Freely with Jamie

Lady and me (Freely)
are a good team!

Freely with Jamie

Now at last I'm getting the second helping!



Danny's daughter Scarlett

Dreamhill Quickstep
- Scarlett -

Diamond Beauty von Monrei
Danny's, Freely's and Romeo's  mother
Diamond Beauty
von Monrei

Zambalo Blue vom Rindsberg
Danny's and Romeo's father Zambalo Blue vom Rindsberg
- owner: family Rapprich -

Arina von Monrei
Danny's grandmother Ch. Arina von Monrei

Arina is the grandmother of Freely and Romeo, too.