After our first winter,
in which we invent snow diving, we haven't been less active as we
had to teach snow diving to our new friend Emily:

As the second winter draws to an end,
we discovered something new:
Water long jump !

As time is passing: you see us above yet as puppies with our sisters and meanwhile we, Joanne Summer Love in Blue and
Julie Summer Dream in Blue von Monrei, are now in age of 9 months - nearly adult - and full of energy.
New sports:
Snow diving - invented by Julie and Joanne.
For larger size click on each photo, please !
Climbing at first,
then going the whole hog
... Joanne is locating the
best spots

if there's plenty of
Whoopee, that's a pleasure!
you can't see us both any more.

Where is Julie? She wouldn't Aha, there
Julie turns up Then I can continue calmly.
into hiding yet !

And where is
Joanne? Already down the mountain? But then hurry up!

But now I've catched up
Daddy Freely has always Our friend Lady is still
her nearly.
a trainee.

At the end paws cleaning is announced.
New daybreak, new happiness.
What possibly will the new day make it?
Action, action - pure !!
master has difficulty to follow
us. We've a
lot of joy with Lady, too!

Joanne - looking for Julie.
If I make neighbor Snoopy wild,
I must turn tail.

Daddy Freely can keep up
very well for his age of ten years!
Our Daddy and our Mummy
are not bad at all - they have really
fire at her backside.

Now and then we have to get through the correspondence, too.

Sometimes we are good and can stand still, too.
- but not long! Then we continue inside at siesta time. Our Mummy take part full.
Only one doesn't deter from his siesta!