von Monrei
Hommage to Marilyn

Marilyn at the age of 2
Dippersmoor Disruption
- Marilyn -
Austrian Champion und Austrian Youth Champion
- 15.10.2006
Dame: Dippersmoor Don't Know
Sire: Yewdale Golden Flame
Breeder: Barbara Tunnicliffe, GB

Marilyn at Agility
If you are looking for me, search for me in your hearts.
If I have a place to stay there, I shall be ever at your place.
de Saint Exupéry)
Life with the Monrei-Shelties
came accidentally to us. At that time the Sheltie breeder Mr.
Hinterholzer ("von Langauenfeld") of Kitzbühel, Austria, and we were
friends since years. As Annabel von Monrei (from our first litter)
lived at Mr. Hinterholzer since 1989, we stayed regularly in Kitzbühel
- nearly one time per month. In 1994 Mr. Hinterholzer got ill and
stayed for a longer time in hospital. Long before Mr. Hinterholzer came
into hospital he ordered a sheltie in England - over his formely friend
Audrey F. Chatfiled at Mrs. Barbara Tunnicliffe ("Dippersmoor"). He was
mostly looking forward to his new english Sheltie - unfortunately he
was not able to see Marilyn as he died unexpected. In the hospital Mr.
Hinterholzer said to his wife shortly before he died, that Marilyn
should come to us if something happens to him.
Already nine days after his death Marilyn was on the way by plane to
Munic as the shedules have been already fixed before the death of Mr.
Hinterholzer. At 26th October 1994, the Austrian national public
holiday, we went to the Munic airport early because Marilyn should stay
in her transport box no one Minute more as necessary. It was really
upset to find the right terminal on the great airport area and to get
that personal all worked up to find the transport box with Marilyn at
once and to bring it here. The airport personal really made great
efforts and brougth us the box at once. Now the great moment was there
and our excitement was great as we opened the door of the transport
box. How has Marilyn come out of the flight? Was she totally confused
or very nervous because of the aircraft noise? Nevertheless a young sheltie full
of the joys of living jumped out and greeted us with a heartfelt
wuff-wuff. I and my husband were fascinated of Marilyn from the first
moment and have been taken of her self-confidence and her beautiful
type and we grew very fond of her.
So Marilyn moved in our life and our hearts; from that day on she accompanied us for 12 years and made our life richer.
Marilyn at age of 8 months
It's especially emphasizing that she was from the beginnig to the end
a personality who took no bribe in any way. Marilyn has loved people,
but some she didn't like from the beginning and she left it at that. So
she helped me with the selection of the puppy buyer. With joy I
remember as prospective buyers were at our home. As the woman was
really kindly and sat down with us but the man was standing the hole
time and he didn't impress me at all, and therefore he was no
candidate as a puppy buyer. While I thought over, how I get rid of
those prospective puppy buyers, Marilyn was standing in front of the
man and looked in his eyes the whole time - until she spewed at his
feet. Thereupon the man said, he is dispensed with this case - and I
myself fortunately too.
In the following years Marilyn had a beautiful litter with 3 puppies.
One of them - Giovanni Mozart von Monrei - had the same looks as she,
and she was very fond of him; so from the first day after the birth
Marilyn carried again and again his
little Giovanni into my bed or on the couch or whereever we stayed.
Giovanni Mozart came to a couple to Salzburg (!) who had already get a
puppy from our Beauty two years before. The sister of Giovanni - the
little sweet Lady - was taken under Marilyn's wing and was treated by
her very solicitous by steadily licking all over. Lady (Glady Gloria Hillary von Monrei) would surely have had a great show carrier. At that time we just had no ambitions for exhibitions any more. Lady had been showed just few times as she was placed on top every time and got excellent jugde reports. The third - Glenn Johnny - came to a family nearby.

Marilyn's puppies:
Glenn Johnny, Giovanni Mozart and Glady Gloria Hillary
the few shows Marilyn participated successfully - she was Austrian
Youth Champion, Austrian Champion, got several BOB's, fourth place at
the World Dog Show 2000 in Milano and some more titles as second place
of all breeds of FCI-group 1 at an international show.
On the contrary we spent our free time with our shelties at agility instead of show activities at that time,
and Marilyn was very interested in agility. At the start line Marilyn
nearly couldn't hold back herself and she exploded ("Disruption" - her
given name) virtually at the begin of running; she made nearly the
whole parcour, then she sometimes saw at once the jugde and walked to
him, looking at him from down to top and down while asking if he has no
business being here, then she continued to run the parcour and at the
end of the parcour she turned shortly before the finish line as she
thought it was not enough and run the parcour back again. Of all the
Monrei-Shelties Marilyn has demonstrated most expressive that agility
is from that point of view not a misunderstanded ambition but rather
fun of all. In such situations of course I had to stop running in the
parcour and to lough about Marilyn's sketches in agility, although if
any similar race ended with a disqualification. Also here Marilyn
didn't fit into any pattern and that I really liked it.
were many experiences in this way with Marilyn I recall with pleasure.
Until the end Marilyn was a radiant beauty, a real little sunshine,
even shortly before her death. Like this Marilyn went unfortunately
over the rainbow brigde in the mountains of Tyrol (Austria) also at a
radiant beauty day. Thank you very much, dear Marilyn, for the
wonderful common time!

Marilyn - at age of 12 - and her daughter Lady

Goodbye, Marilyn !