The sheltie -
an introducion
Life with
our shelties
Our shelties
Garden idyll
Hommage to Marilyn
Hommage to Beauty
Monrei impressions
Stud dogs
Show successes
in memoriam

Created: 23.03.1998
Updated: 24.03.2007
Webmaster: R.Döhne


If you want to know more about the sheltie, we recommend this books (in german language):

Britische Hütehunde by Gerda Bodenberger from the book series "Freund und Hund"
Ein Leben mit Collies, Shelties, Katz' und Co. by Gerda Bodenberger, Kynos-Verlag
Collie und Sheltie by Eva-Maria Krämer and Martina Feldhoff, Kosmos-Hundebibliothek

Allergien beim Hund  by Dr.med.vet. Vera Biber

Unsere Hunde - gesund durch Homöopathie by H.G. Wolff, Sonntag Verlag
Der homöopathische Hundedoktor by Dr.med.vet. Barbara Rakow, Kosmos-Verlag

Recommending periodical from Silvia Dierauer:  Mein Hund - natürlich gesund

Recommending periodical,too: Sheltie-News , an independent magazine für
       sheltie friends.
    Issued quarterly. Orders by E-Mail are not possible.
    More Informationen available from Martina Feldhoff
    or on her homepage Sheltie News Online


Club für Britische Hütehunde
Österreichischer Club für Britische Hütehunde
World Wide Friends of the English Shelties
English Shetland Sheepdog Club

Shelties von der Nieste
Schauweckers und ihre "bunten Wölfe"

Schwarzeneckers und ihre Shelties Frederic Fidelius von Monrei und Giovanni Mozart von Monrei

Collies vom Schloß Elkofen   

Drei Hunde Nacht - many informations about feeding and homoeopathy


We would be pleased, if you could donate charitable relief organizations not only for animals but for children or handicaps, too, for example to following organizations:

Animal 2000
Animal Peace  - D -     Animal Peace  - CH -
Deutscher Tierschutzbund

UNICEF  - D -    UNICEF  - A -
Licht ins Dunkel  - A -

Thank you very much!

Background photo: Dippersmoor Disruption - Marilyn -